- "Fighting for different republican projects: Bolívar and Manuel del Castillo, a dispute beyond personal rivalries," in Interview with the Liberator: Nine Momentous Meetings with Simón Bolívar edited by Karen Racine and Gregorio Alonso (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press). Submitted.
- "Preservando Cuba de la "manía de la independencia": autonomía, esclavitud y emigrados en el Caribe durante la disolución de la monarquía española," en El exilio en la independencia hispanoamericana editado por Scarlett O'Phelan y George Lomné (Lima: Fondo Editorial del Congreso). Submitted.
- "Returning to Colombia: The Category of Emigré in the Consolidation of Republican Regimes during the Age of Revolutions." Submitted.
- Semantics of Refuge: The Shifting Labels of ‘Exile’, ‘Asylum’, and ‘Refugee’ during the 18th and 19th Century. Co-authored with Thomas Mareite. Submitted.
- "Dealing with family separation during the Spanish American Revolutions." Book on family separation during the Age of Revolutions edited by Romy Sánchez and Antonin Durand. Submitted.
- "Juan Manuel García del Castillo y Tejada: uma vida marcada pelo exílio durante as Guerras da Independência na América Espanhola", em Migrações & Exílios no Mundo Atlântico durante a Era das Revoluções editado por Murillo Dias Winter e Kelly Eleuterio (São Paulo, Hucitec, 2025). Submitted.
- "Disputa de temporalidades. Comentário as reflexões teóricas sobre o tempo no Lab-Mundi." Book on the 10 year anniversary of Lab-Mundi edited by Alexandre Moreli. Submitted.
- Asilo y documentación en Brasil durante las guerras de Independencia en la América Española. Work in Progress.